Learn to play a traditional Javanese piece while exploring the use of cyclic patterns and pentatonic scales.
Discover the cultural context of the music, how to employ gamelan techniques and structures in composition, and how it has influenced composers from Messiaen to Minimalism. This workshop is also popular as a team-building and listening exercise. Can be tailored to your specific interests.
Essential information
Key stage: 3, 4, 5 (can be adapted to other groups)
Duration: 2 hours
Available: Mondays or Tuesdays (please enquire about other availability)
Maximum group size: 20
Venue: Bate Collection, Faculty of Music, St Aldate’s, Oxford OX1 1DB
Cost*: £120
This workshop can be combined with the Music through the Ages or Keyboards through the Ages workshop.
Combined workshop cost: £200
*Full bursaries are available for maintained schools with pupils eligible for Pupil Premium or Ever 6 FSM.